4**** diver

Dive group leader acc. ISO 24801-3 (formerly EN 14153-3)


The aim of the 4**** diver training is the ability to dive up to a maximum
40m to lead and complete safely and in a controlled manner.


The 4**** diver is authorized to lead a maximum of 4 1* divers or a higher certification level at a minimum age of 18 years. He is authorized to assist the diving instructor in controlling and securing student divers .


The prerequisite is the successfully completed 3*** course or equivalent training
the completion of the special topics

  • search and recovery
  • boat diving
  • wreck diving
  • ice diving

For this incl. at least 40 additional dives completed during the specialty courses.


The focus of the training is on safe group leadership up to 40m under difficult conditions. In addition, the focus of training is increasingly shifting to the areas of partner control and partner securing.

  • The 4**** diver must be able to safely bring a diving group back to the starting point under all conditions.
  • Before the dive, assess the situation of the dive site and the group and be able to plan the dive accordingly.
  • Assess the diving behavior of their partners and be able to react accordingly.
  • Return safely to the surface with a partner from a depth range of up to 40m using both octopus and alternating breathing
  • Recover an unconscious diver from 20m without endangering yourself.
  • Adapt dive behavior to partner and stay in control of the dive at all times in all conditions to bring the group safely to shore.
  • Snorkel 2000m with full equipment on the surface
  • 50m distance diving
  • Dive into and put on a scuba gear at a depth of 10 m
  • Hold your breath underwater for 75 seconds

In theory, he must know and be able to explain all aspects of recreational diving (physics, medicine, practice, equipment, etc.).

  • Staatlich ermächtigter Tauchverband
  • Cedip - european commitee of professional
    diving instructors
  • erster österr. Berufstauchlehrer Verband
Über den EOBV
  • Tel.: +43 (0)6542 68370
  • Mobil: +43 (0)664 406 8381
  • E-Mail: lg-a@eobv.eu
EOBVPoint 24 • A-5751MaishofenZVR Zahl:581236810