Gas blender course


At the end of the course, the diver should be able to safely and accurately produce all common gas mixtures (Nitrox, Trimix, HeliAir, Heliox, Argox) in any composition.

He is made familiar with the particular dangers of handling pure oxygen and receives instruction in the legal provisions for transporting gas cylinders in motor vehicles.


  • Minimum age 19 years
  • EOBV Nitrox diver or equivalent training
  • or filling station operator

limits of the course

Production of all gas mixtures from the gases:

  • oxygen
  • nitrogen
  • helium
  • argon

course content

  • Gases and their properties (air, oxygen, helium, nitrogen, hydrogen, argon, neon, xenon, krypton)
  • Mixing methods (partial pressure method, constant admixture, nitrox membrane, mixing by weight and volume, premix, bank of 40)
  • Structure and function of various mixing plants
  • Gas compressor (booster, compressor)
  • Physical principles (laws of Dalton, Boyle & Mariotte, Gay-Lussac, Charles, ideal gas law)
  • Real gases (Van der Waals, real gas factors)
  • mixture calculations
  • overflow and pumping over
  • Gas blending software
  • Mixed gas types (Nitrox, HeliAir, Heliox, Trimix, Hydreliox, Argox, Neox)
  • Mixing process (gas analysis, filling protocol filling book, bottle labeling, bottle identification)
  • Safe handling of gas cylinders
  • Transport of gas cylinders by motor vehicle
  • Transport of gas cylinders in vehicles below the exemption limit
  • Transport of gas cylinders in vehicles across the exemption limits

course duration

  • 1.5 days

If you are interested in this course, do not hesitate to contact us. We will send you all information about the next course without obligation.

  • Staatlich ermächtigter Tauchverband
  • Cedip - european commitee of professional
    diving instructors
  • erster österr. Berufstauchlehrer Verband
Über den EOBV
  • Tel.: +43 (0)6542 68370
  • Mobil: +43 (0)664 406 8381
  • E-Mail: lg-a@eobv.eu
EOBVPoint 24 • A-5751MaishofenZVR Zahl:581236810