TL assistant

What requirements must be met?

The prerequisite is the completed 4**** course or equivalent training . The minimum age is 19 years .

A further 40 dives must be completed and a “First Aid Course” – not older than 2 years – must be available.

What rights do I have as a TL assistant?

A TL assistant may teach theory and can achieve NITROX instructor status.

Which exam do I have to take?

A TL assistant has to pass an examination in front of at least two diving instructor trainers (TL***).

  • Staatlich ermächtigter Tauchverband
  • Cedip - european commitee of professional
    diving instructors
  • erster österr. Berufstauchlehrer Verband
Über den EOBV
  • Tel.: +43 (0)6542 68370
  • Mobil: +43 (0)664 406 8381
  • E-Mail: lg-a@eobv.eu
EOBVPoint 24 • A-5751MaishofenZVR Zahl:581236810