Not the addiction to diving records, but the protection of the underwater world must be the primary goal of all divers. Therefore, it is urgently necessary to explain the interrelationships of nature to the diver, up to and including water ecology.

Under this motto, Konrad Hitzfelder, President of Cedip, invited to the first international workshop aimed at training to become an Under Water Natural Guide.
His homeland around the Traunsee offered ideal conditions for the 12 participants from Slovenia, France, Russia, Germany and Austria.

From October 3rd to 5th, in addition to the theoretical units, presented by the biologists Dr. Martin Hess and Dr. Christof Haake, the implementation in diving practice not too short. The unusual river diving in the Traun, which is one of the best freshwater areas in Europe, was particularly popular.
In addition, work was also done on a course book and a power point presentation, which will be published in mid-2009 in order to ensure future, uniform training.
At the end, the participants received certificates from Cedip. With this award, they are now responsible for passing on this training area in the diving instructor training in their country.

This is an important part of the Cedip philosophy and thus contributes to the preservation of our beloved underwater world.

  • Staatlich ermächtigter Tauchverband
  • Cedip - european commitee of professional
    diving instructors
  • erster österr. Berufstauchlehrer Verband
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