The EOBV diving instructor seminar took place from 27.04. until 03.05.2015 at Mondsee and Attersee.
After a tough and very instructive seminar week with various presentations by our experts, all participants successfully completed the seminar.
Lectures: Medicine – Dr. Jacob Gerd
Biology – Mario Fordinal and Christian Hofinger
Technical Diving – Sigi Lobnig
Marketing/office – Erwin Matiasch
We would like to thank the head of training Reinhold Schmidt, the board members Rolf Zangerle and Erwin Matiasch, the examination committee Sigi Lobnig, Christian Schwarz, Birgit Matiasch and everyone involved for their commitment and support!
We congratulate dr. Tassilo Trubrig, Clemens Donner and David Mahringer on passing the diving instructor exam.
Pictures of our diving instructor seminar can be found here .