Atlantis Diving Club

Krumpendorf am Worthersee

Diving school and diving club Atlantis. Visit us directly on the shore of Lake Wörthersee and experience beautiful dives in one of the most beautiful lakes in Carinthia.

From beginners to professionals, our dive sites offer something for every diver’s heart.

Address of the dive center:

Koschatweg 69a

A-9201 Krumpendorf

Website: www.tsc-atlantis.at

email: diving@tsc-atlantis.at

  • Staatlich ermächtigter Tauchverband
  • Cedip - european commitee of professional
    diving instructors
  • erster österr. Berufstauchlehrer Verband
Über den EOBV
  • Tel.: +43 (0)6542 68370
  • Mobil: +43 (0)664 406 8381
  • E-Mail: lg-a@eobv.eu
EOBVPoint 24 • A-5751MaishofenZVR Zahl:581236810