Certificate according to FK-V, BGBl. II No. 13/2007

The basis for the term “professional diver” and “professional diving instructor” is a successfully completed examination in accordance with the state training program. This entitles the latter to conduct and certify training courses beyond the recreational diving level. The examination according to FK-V for professional divers and professional diving instructor candidates takes place in the course of the EOBV diving instructor seminar. The FK-V examination can also be taken separately from the TL examination (professional diver training). Diving instructor status with the EOBV is not mandatory for certification as a signal person, working diver, research diver or engineer diver. For example, they use Professional divers use this option simply to fulfill the legal requirements for their profession. However, the status as a diving instructor is no longer valid if the required skills are not tested during the entire TL seminar or equivalent.

The proof of specialist knowledge applies to service/employers as well as to service/employees within the meaning of the Employee or Servant Protection Act or equality (equivalence). This means, among other things, that not only professional divers in the sense of construction and industrial diving work are covered by these regulations, but also divers at federal level, emergency divers of aid organizations as well as diving instructors who carry out their activities in an employment relationship (e.g. employment as a diver at a diving center) and/or carry out diving training beyond the scope of recreational diving training. This level of training is to be regarded as the contemporary standard in the field of diving training.

  • Staatlich ermächtigter Tauchverband
  • Cedip - european commitee of professional
    diving instructors
  • erster österr. Berufstauchlehrer Verband
Über den EOBV
  • Tel.: +43 (0)6542 68370
  • Mobil: +43 (0)664 406 8381
  • E-Mail: lg-a@eobv.eu
EOBVPoint 24 • A-5751MaishofenZVR Zahl:581236810